Friday, March 22, 2013

The Enigmatic Moon

Its  the time when the moon reflects the light of the sun-NIGHT. Little did we know as children that the moon doesn't have any light of its own. It reflects the light of the sun that fells upon it.We wondered that Sun is yellow and the moon is white. These colors were an important attribute while painting landscapes that we loved to do in our art classes. But when our Science teacher taught us in our primary classes about this true and astonishing fact, our minds were awestruck at this scientific wonder.
The moon is a perfect example of a shrouded personality shining with the help of someone else's efforts. But what is the bigger reality is  that this is a 'law of nature'. When I stare at the moon, I wonder about the puzzling mysteries of Life. The moon is one of them, yet it gives me great pleasure to imagine the magic cloak that shines and daily comes out in the darkness.

Often we see people not acknowledging the efforts put in by others and trying to sail under false colors. Children abandon their parents when they turn old and become a burden on them. They forget that they burned brightly during the day so that you can enjoy the pleasure of night like the moon. We fail to acknowledge their endeavors that they did their entire life to see us achieving success.
Similar is the case with most people. They appear to  be somebody else and turn out to be exactly the different. While the sun scorches us with the heat, the moon is the soothing reminder of the calmness and cool. But still the moon shines only because of the sun, while the sun burns  bright the moon glimmers with its mystic yet fake light reflecting on the earth.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Change is a process.Not an Event

Switching from the landline to the cell phone was never so easy for our older generation. From a simple 10 digit dialler phone to a compact device with a small screen and myriad (as compared to the landline) was the journey of mode of communication in this era. Change- something that is inevitable and teaches everyone the lesson of adaptation. Some learn it sweetly while some learn it the bitter way. Those who are willing to learn and like to transform signify the optimism of change and those who defy novel ideas and oppose alterations symbolise the pessimism of change.
When it comes to making amendments in our life and routine, the task is not a cakewalk. One needs to come out of the shell he has been living in and face the sunshine. It’s obvious that the powerful rays of the sun would reflect hard on your eyes and you’ll close your eyes for a second. You might think to go back, hide behind the shield and never come out. But if once you overcome this preliminary ordeal of changing yourself you’ll start loving the sun’s rays and the fresh breeze. The ambience will soon start taking your thoughts to an upbeat road of sanguinity and cheerfulness.
Moving into college from school, keypad phones to touch screens, computers to laptops, petrol to CNG, paper books to e-books, are some of the several transformations that we have witnessed  in our life in recent days. One wonders now how we have become so immune to different changes around us that we familiarize ourselves effortlessly.
Taking this ride of revolution, one needs to befriend the most advanced technology and set on the journey of adventure and exploration. He will witness bizarre things that are totally original and unique. Anna became the crusader of anti-corruption protest march in our country when trickery and deceit had become the weapons of our fraudulent government. Anna faced impediments but the zeal to bring a change never subdued within his soul. He was triumphant in bringing together the masses and encourage themselves to bring the change. We supported the endeavour to bring a transformation in our society fervently and became the forerunners of the greater change.
I believe that Change is the only continuous thing that happens around us. As we know nothing is static and the world seems to shed off the old skin and the molting process continues invariably. All we need is to find our feet with no trouble and induce others to do the same. Once the change has become acquainted within our lives, the fear of making amendments no longer lurks in our minds.